“...the story is only half of it. The other half is Graham Reynolds’ score, which keeps you on the edge of your seat.”
collaborations with
salvage vanguard theater
Salvage Vanguard Theater, based in Austin, TX, is a non-profit that provides accessible, affordable, artistic exchange between a diverse, inclusive community of artists and audiences. Their resident artist program, which Graham became a recipient of in 2002, included a five year stipend and was critical in helping Graham make the transition from part-time to full-time professional composer. The company has produced two of Graham’s chamber operas and he has scored more than a dozen plays for them over the years, including: From the Pig Pile: The Requisite Gesture(s) of Narrow Approach (2014) and River of Gruel (2013), both collaborations with Rude Mechs, Guest by Courtesy (2011), Ghengis Khan (2005), and Cry Pitch Carrolls (1999). The highly successful hit show The Intergalactic Nemesis has toured the world many times over, while most recently Graham has been working with SVT on the in-progress Casta by playwright Adrienne Dawes, inspired by the casta paintings of Nueva España (Mexico).